Thank you for your interest in joining UWNEMN as a Corporate Social Responsibility partner!

We look forward to partnering with you to build youth opportunity, community resiliency, healthy communities, and financial security across our region. 


Please fill out the form below, and UWNEMN staff will be in touch with you with any questions or next steps.

Business Information
Investment Level
Please indicate which sponsorship level your business would like for the 2022 event year. For a full breakdown of benefits of each sponsorship level, click here. 
Payment Method
Checks can be mailed to 608 East Drive, Chisholm MN 55719.
One file only.
200 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png.

Credit Card And ACH Sponsors:

Thank you for your support of the United Way. After hitting submit, please enter your sponsorship payment by clicking here.