UWNEMN's Lunch Buddies mentoring program matches elementary school children with caring adult mentors to share one lunch break/week at school. The program was originally piloted in Hibbing's Washington and Greenhaven schools in 2020 and paired 16 first graders with mentors. The original pilot program was cut short due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and was re-piloted in spring of the 2021-2022 school year at Keewatin Elementary and Merritt Elementary. The program continues to grow and is now operating in 12 local elementary schools. UWNEMN developed this program with input from regional partners and direct support from MENTOR Minnesota.
What is the need?
At the time the original Lunch Buddies pilot was launched, Hibbing school staff estimated more than 30 percent of their students could benefit from a program like this.
The pandemic has exacerbated adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and is itself widely considered its own ACE. This is concerning as four or more ACEs are indicators for serious mental and physical health issues into adulthood. Recent local research indicates the number of children facing four or more ACEs has jumped to nearly 25% due to the pandemic. Research also indicates that early intervention and healthy relationships with adults are key to decreasing these risks, and that's exactly what Lunch Buddies does!
Where is Lunch Buddies available?
Mentors have been matched with students in the following schools for the 2024-2025 school year:
- Cherry School Tuesdays
- Chisholm Elementary School Day TBA
- Falls Elementary School (International Falls) Wednesdays
- Floodwood School Tuesdays
- Keewatin Elementary School Tuesdays
- Laurentian Elementary School (Eveleth) Tuesdays
- Merritt Elementary School (Mountain Iron) Wednesdays
- Mesabi East School (Aurora) Mondays
- North Star Elementary School (Virginia) Tuesdays
- Northeast Range School (Babbitt) Tuesdays
- Parkview Elementary School (Virginia) Wednesdays
- Vaughan-Steffensrud Elementary School (Chisholm) Mondays
If you are interested in serving as a Lunch Buddies mentor for the 2025-2026 school year, please contact sarah@unitedwaynemn.org or 218-254-3329.
UWNEMN's Lunch Buddies mentoring program screens and trains local adults and matches them with a local student who could benefit from an additional positive adult role Model to meet once a week at school during the lunch hour!
How it Works
- School enrolls in the Lunch Buddies program.
- UWNEMN begins recruiting and screening mentors from nearby communities.
- School staff refers children for program and collects parent signatures on UWNEMN-provided materials.
- School selects Lunch Buddies day and provides room to be used once/week for Lunch Buddies.
- UWNEMN matches mentors with enrolled students, trains mentors, and coordinates meeting dates.
- Children receive additional support from a trustworthy adult friend!
Interested in learning more?
Contact sarah@unitedwaynemn.org or 218-254-3329.
Apply to Be a Mentor
One Keewatin Elementary student is still in need of a mentor this school year.
Mentor requirements:
- Mentors must be 18+.
- Have ability to travel to school on a weekly basis.
- Complete an application, fill out an interest survey (for matching with mentors), and provide references.
- Pass a background check and interview with UWNEMN program staff.
- Complete training.
- Commit to meeting with mentee one hour/week for designated length of program.
Mentor Role Description | Apply to Erase the Wait List
If you are interested in serving as a Lunch Buddies mentor in the 2025-2026 school year, please contact sarah@unitedwaynemn.org or 218-254-3329.
Enroll Your School
If you'd like to bring Lunch Buddies mentoring program to your school in the 2025-2026 school year, please contact sarah@unitedwaynemn.org or 218-254-3329 to set up a preliminary meeting.
School requirements:
- Provide a private room during the lunch hour for Lunch Buddies mentors and mentees.
- Refer students, collect appropriate paperwork from students' guardian(s), and return paperwork to UWNEMN.
- This program is currently for elementary schools only.
Ideally the program is meant to take place throughout the entire school year with first or second grade students, but schedules and age ranges can be flexible depending on school needs.
Refer A Child
If your school is participating in Lunch Buddies mentoring program, and you know a child who could benefit from an additional adult role model, please contact your school office for referral forms and next steps.
Donate to Support the Program
Donations to UWNEMN's Lunch Buddies program provide games and activities for mentors/mentees, training and screening for mentors, and coordination of the program. Click here to donate to the program!
Over the course of the 2022-2023 school year, United Way of Northeastern Minnesota worked with Wilder Research to survey and interview school staff, parents and guardians, and - most importantly - students themselves across our service area to help ensure our partners and programs, like Lunch Buddies, are best serving our local youth.
FULL REPORT: Needs Assessment of Youth Mental Health and Well-being in Northeast Minnesota