Stabilizing Families and Individuals

United Way and its partners strive to stabilize people in crisis through emergency food and housing services. We provide support to families and individuals experiencing domestic violence and sexual assault, along with educational programming to prevent future violence. We help people become self-sufficient.

Targeted Issue: Hunger and food access

Desired Outcomes:

  • Decreased number of children who are food insecure.
  • Decreased number of individiuals and families experiencing hunger.


  • Provide weekend meals to children during the school year through the UWNEMN Buddy Backpack program.
  • Provide summer lunch through the UWNEMN Meet Up and Chow Down program.
  • Invest in programs that provide access to food for individuals and families that are at-risk of being food insecure.
  • Support food shelves and hunger-relief programs.

Targeted Issue: Stable living environment for individuals and families - transitional and long-term

Desired Outcomes:

  • Increased access to transitional and permanent housing for the homeless.
  • Increased number of families and individuals who have access to essential household items.
  • Increased number of children receiving crisis support in emergency situations.


  • Invest in programs that provide transitional housing and shelter for families and homeless youth.
  • Invest in programs that can provide essential household items to families and individuals in transition, like the UWNEMN Comforts of Home program.
  • Support programs that provide emergency services for children in crisis.

Targeted Issue: Domestic violence and sexual assault

Desired Outcomes:

  • Increased number of programs on domestic violence and/or sexual assault prevention education.
  • Increased services and shelter for victims of domestic violence and/or sexual assault.
  • Decreaed number of victims experiencing domestic violence and/or sexual assault.
  • Invest in programs that provide education, prevention, supportive services, crisis intervention, and/or emergency shelter related to domestic and sexual violence in our region.


How You Can Help

Volunteers make United Way's food programs like Buddy Backpacks and our partner agencies programs successful. Volunteer to help.